January 31, 2019

Help grow the Facebook audience

By Jane M. McKnight
Help grow the Facebook audience
Help grow the Facebook audience

NALPA Facebook has 1,558 likes and 1,551 followers.

Greetings from the Facebook Team. We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are ready for 2019, The American Legion’s centennial year.
It wasn’t that long ago when the National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) Facebook page had fewer than 500 likes. As I write this, we have 1,558 likes and 1,551 followers.

In order to continue to grow our Facebook page likes and followers, I encourage you to post your public relations activities on our page. We want to see what you are doing. By sharing your productive activities, you could spark interest in other members or provide inspiration to someone to try something new.

Also, when you share our posts, share on various pages in your department. Reach out to The American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion and American Legion Riders. We are a family. Don’t forget that we have links on our page for the national website for public relations resources, renewal of dues and much more.
Thank you for all that you do for the American Legion Family, military and their families. Happy Facebooking!