January 30, 2019

What's Coming

By The American Legion

Washington Conference, Oratorical contests, Four Chaplains Sunday.

Highlight activities at Washington Conference
If your post has someone attending this year’s Washington Conference, it’s an ideal way to promote The American Legion’s influence in your community. Use your post’s social media tools to highlight your post’s activities in Washington. Afterward, contact your local media for a story.

Children and Youth Month
April is Children and Youth Month. Now is an excellent time to begin promoting the youth programs your post runs not just in April but throughout the year.

Oratorical contests
As posts, districts and departments run their Oratorical contests, these are great opportunities to showcase the young people in community media. Contact your local newspapers and broadcast stations to encourage them to cover your Oratorical events.

Four Chaplains Sunday
The first Sunday in February is Four Chaplains Sunday, though some posts hold their events at other times on the weekend. Share how your post commemorates this annual remembrance service on www.legiontown.org.