Free, customized membership recruitment poster now available online for posts to download.
Local posts now have the opportunity to download and print a free color member-recruitment poster to hang in their communities, with their direct contact information already on the page.
Titled “The Military Experience,” the poster is located here. It is a former advertisement for The American Legion, placed in military publications by National Headquarters several years ago to find new members. The ad was developed “with a simple patriotic theme that captures the commitment of Legionnaires to serve their country and their fellow veterans. The message is powerful and enduring: the military experience is one that transcends generations,” said National Public Relations Division Director Joe March.
After a bit of updating, the ad was recently re-launched by Public Relations staff as a poster, with one important addition: By clicking on the provided space, anyone can type in the address, phone number, Web site and contact person for their post, print it out on letter-sized paper, then distribute it in their area. There is no charge for this poster.
A larger, 18”x 24” version, with contact information for National Headquarters, is available from Emblem Sales. Suitable to be framed and hung in posts or homes, each poster is $2.95.
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