Emblem Sales orders production of coin after Legionnaire offers up the idea.
Hugh Holmes, a U.S. Army veteran and member of Mitchell, S.D., American Legion Post 18, is the inspiration for a Blue Star coin to honor spouses of men and women serving in the military.
“I was looking at online merchandise on at Emblem Sales and noticed that coins were available that honor military men and women, but there were no coins to honor spouses of military members,” Holmes said. “The job description of a military spouse is too hard to put into words. It is the hardest job in the world.They do everything and they do it well.”
Holmes e-mailed Emblem Sales representatives, noting his concern about no coin for military spouses. Richard Keith, director of Emblem Sales, liked the idea and ordered production of Blue Star coins.
Emblem Sales mailed a free coin to Holmes, and he later ordered a number of the newly minted Blue Star coins.He presented his first coin to his daughter-in-law.
“Spouses deserve a big pat on the back for their service to our country, and sometimes we overlook people who do a good job,” Holmes said. “I love the design of the coin. It has the colors of our country and the Blue Star Banner.”
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