September 13, 2010

Legiontown campaign kicking off soon

By The American Legion
Legiontown campaign kicking off soon
Legiontown campaign kicking off soon

Numerous guides are available for posts to help make local events a success.

Community events and membership efforts are year-round activities of local American Legion posts. But the fall months will bring a newly-concerted campaign on these two fronts. The Legiontown campaign, now in its second year, will run roughly from Sept. 16 - the date in 2009 which Congress, by resolutions in both houses, designated as "The American Legion Day" - through the month of November, the Legion's Membership Retention Month.

The Public Relations Division at National Headquarters has put together a number of booklets and guides to assist posts in putting together their campaigns. Many of these revolve around suggested events for the Legiontown season, including public remembrance of 9/11 (before Sept. 16, but a high-profile way to kick things off); and a dedicated Veterans Service Day, when the post showcases veteran-service programs to both vets and the public in a fair-like setting (a customizable ad is also available on the Legiontown Web site). Other noteworthy events that Legiontown programs can be fit to are National Disaster Preparedness Month (the month of September), Halloween and Veterans Day. Posts are also encouraged to come up with event ideas of their own that fit their area's special circumstances and needs.

Any Legionnaire can request a kit of these materials, free of charge, from Public Relations. The kit also contains a general PR handbook, applicable year-round for every aspect of post operations; a new copy of the Four Pillars booklet, detailing the Legion's four main platforms of Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth; a Disaster Preparedness Program booklet; a Legiontown guide, with milestones, pointers, checklists and contact information; and a general Legiontown booklet, with numerous stories of local posts' good deeds. The kit can be requested by e-mail or calling (317) 630-1253.

The documents can also be downloaded, free of charge, either here or at the Legiontown Web site. All posts are invited to share the stories of the good they do and the success they have, both during this season and throughout the year, on the Legiontown Web site.

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