The American Legion’s PR division offers a free CD featuring PSAs on vital aspects of the Legion for local stations to air.
As an offshoot to last year’s “A Powerful Force for Our Nation” campaign, the Legion’s Public Relations Division has created a CD featuring radio-ready public service ads on the Four Pillars of Service, as well as the Legion’s service to veterans and the Legion family.
The 30- to 60-second ads can be delivered to any local radio station willing to play them on air. And while CDs have already been sent to several talk-radio stations across the country, they are equally well-suited for local FM stations and can be used as a launching point for Legionnaires to personally record a Legion PSA.
The PSA campaigns have been designed to broaden the Legion’s reach nationwide by using grassroots efforts of Legionnaires at their local posts. The PSAs allow Legionnaires to use local media to showcase all that the Legion does every day in our communities.
To obtain one or more copies of the CD free of charge, contact the PR division at (317) 630-1253 or e-mail The materials for “A Powerful Force” campaign – a DVD and booklet – are also available by contacting the PR division.
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