November 09, 2011

2011 Legion annual report available

By The American Legion
2011 Legion annual report available
2011 Legion annual report available

American Legion programs, pillars come to life in a full-color publication, available in print and electronic formats.

From new homeless shelters to a new permanent home for The American Legion Baseball World Series, the nation’s largest veterans service organization made big differences throughout the nation in 2011. A new annual report provides a snapshot of the Legion’s impact at the national, state and local levels.

A digital version of the report can be found by clicking here. Printed copies are also available. Posts and districts are urged to contact their department headquarters to order. They are packaged in boxes of 100. They can be used to inform elected officials, community service groups, schools or potential members about the different programs of The American Legion. They can be distributed at job fairs, VA hospitals, Vet Centers or college campuses.

To order printed versions of the report, please contact your department headquarters. The shipment will be delivered to the department and then they will distribute. Visitors of the digital version are encouraged to share the link so others can flip through the pages and see how the values of The American Legion are brought to life in communities across the country.

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