New Legion Riders gear, Legion dress shirts among new additions to 2012 catalog.
The 2012 American Legion Flag & Emblem catalog. features more than 50 new items. Legion family members who have placed an Emblem Sales order in the past three years should have received a catalog. Catalogs also can be requested, free of charge, online at emblem.legion.org/inforequest.asp. Additions to the 2012 catalog include: • New items for Legion Riders, including garage shirts, ladies apparel, flags, hats, pins and patches. • New Auxiliary items, including rings, jewelry, shirts, and coins. • New Sons of The American Legion polos • New patches and caps for Blue Star supporters • New Legion dress shirts & ties • New uniform accessories, including belts and bib scarves. Legion family members wishing to shop online can do so by going to Emblem Sales’ website.
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