April 29, 2020

Maryland Post 47 feeds community with Pantry on the Porch

By The American Legion
Maryland Post 47 feeds community with Pantry on the Porch
Photo by Matt Roth/The American Legion

A cabinet sits on the porch of the Havre de Grace post filled with food for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

A white cabinet sits on the front porch of the Joseph L. Davis American Legion Post 47 in Havre de Grace, Md. It was placed there in March as a way to serve post and community members affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Post 47’s Pantry on the Porch has kept a steady supply of non-perishable food and toiletry items for any community member in need. The pantry is self-service, open 24/7 and continually stocked thanks to donations, including monetary, from the community and Legion Family members.

“Anybody can come in here and get food. We don’t want anybody to go hungry during this coronavirus pandemic,” said Alma Orive, post adjutant and Hartford County vice commander. “People have sent a lot of thank you notes saying, ‘We really appreciate having a food pantry here since we are short of cash right now.’”

Orive advertises about the food pantry almost daily on Post 47’s Facebook page, including when food is running low and what items are specifically needed to be restocked. “We appreciate all of the donations our community has made,” she said. Pallets of food have been donated from the local Vintage Café and radio station 104.7, while homemade soups with fresh vegetables are being canned and placed in the pantry thanks to a community member who donated four boxes of Mason jars. All that’s asked of those who take soup is for the jars to be returned for reuse.

Paula Casagrande with Big House Signs created signs and stickers that said “Together We Are Havre de Grace Strong.” A portion of sales from the $5 apiece stickers support Post 47’s food pantry. Casagrande sells the stickers at her store and people can drop a self-addressed stamped envelope in Post 47’s mailbox for stickers to be sent to them. Orive said about $500 has been donated to the post from sticker sales.

“The pantry has brought our community together even more,” Orive said. “We have a wonderful community here where everybody is pitching in and everybody is helping.”

Orive also has been making masks that she places in the cabinet for taking. She’s made about 48 so far and they were gone immediately.

Besides feeding its community, Post 47 has been making Buddy Checks on its members. Orive created a flyer that was distributed to members through social media that read “Because We Care About YOU” and encouraged members needing any type of assistance, such as grocery shopping or transportation needs, to call the post. Orvie said even though the post is closed because of COVID-19, messages are checked regularly and phone calls returned.

Buddy Checks were divided into four lists: expired members, members with 40-plus continued membership years, Paid Up For Life members, and all others. Post Commander Mike Bush has made more than 325 calls to PUFL members and the all others list, and post member Bill Crouse has called expired members that resulted in about a third of them renewing. The members with 40-plus years are informed during the phone call that their membership dues are now paid for.

“People are delighted to get the phone call and know that we care,” Orive said. “They have written back (on Facebook) ‘thank you for caring.’ That’s important.”

Orive said Post 47 has members across the United States in California, Florida, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Texas, etc., and that they are contributing donations to the pantry.

“(The food pantry has) served its purpose. It’s done a great job, it’s helped our community,” she said.

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