April 29, 2020

What is Tango Alpha Lima?

By The American Legion
What is Tango Alpha Lima?
What is Tango Alpha Lima?

The American Legion’s new twice-monthly podcast features three post 9/11 veterans sharing their hot takes on trends and quirky stories of interest to the military community.

Earlier this spring, The American Legion debuted its twice-monthly podcast, Tango Alpha Lima.

In each episode, Tango Alpha Lima co-hosts and post 9/11 veterans Mark Seavey, Ashley Gorbulja-Maldonado and Jeff Daly engage in vibrant camaraderie, playful joking and hot takes. The group explores current events, interesting trends and quirky stories of interest to the military community.

The third episode is now live and can be downloaded here. In this episode discover:

• What Seavey calls “probably the most heroic thing I’ve ever done.”

• Why Daly is so ill-prepared to deal with social distancing during the pandemic.

• Why Gorbulja-Maldonado is “tip-toeing in dangerous water.”

For more information and links to all episodes in both audio and video formats, please visit www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.

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