December 21, 2021

American Legion Family showing the spirit of the season to others

By The American Legion
American Legion Family showing the spirit of the season to others
American Legion Post 21 in Missouri led a community effort that provided Christmas presents to the families of the 442nd Fighter Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base. (photo provided)

Throughout the nation, members of the Legion Family are providing meals, gifts and other holiday cheer to those in need.

The holiday season can be filled with joy and happiness, but for those struggling financially or otherwise, that same season can be difficult. But across the nation, members of the American Legion Family have stepped up or will step up to assist others less fortunate.

Whether it’s providing on Christmas Day, collecting and donating gifts for families in need, or teaming with Toys for Tots in distribution efforts, Legion Family members have again shown their commitment to community.

That commitment is on display in Missouri, where Tirey J. Ford Post 21 in Independence spearheaded an effort to adopt the 442nd Fighter Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base for Christmas. The community effort was started by Post 21 Adjutant Tom Tanner, who coordinated with the 442nd on the project. On Dec. 3, Post 21 Legionnaires delivered clothes, toys, 15 brand new bicycles and $6,970 in gift cards to the 442nd airmen. The post began collecting items in October and received donations from the Independence Police Department, American Legion Riders Chapter 21, Auxiliary Unit 21, American Legion Post 189, United Health Care, NAPA and the Car Santa, Blue Springs Fitness Center, the 6th District of The American Legion Department of Missouri, John W. Luff Elementary School, East Side Baptist Church, USDA and several other private donors.  

The 442nd Wing recently returned from Afghanistan, and some of the airmen returned to find out they no longer had their civilian jobs because of the pandemic.

The spirit of holiday giving also was on display in Indiana, where American Legion Riders Chapter 341 again provided Christmas gifts to foster children with Choices Coordinated Care Solutions. The chapter raised enough money to provide presents for 46 children – up from 33 in 2020.

On its Facebook page, Chapter 341 posted photos and thanked all who helped make the effort possible, writing, “Seeing the smiles on the kids' faces is the reason we do what we do. May God Bless each and everyone that helped out with any part of this journey. You made a real difference today!”

And in Georgia, the generosity of American Legion Post 86 will make a difference in the lives of children whose families are in need this holiday season. The post donated $12,684 to the Polk County Sheriff’s Toy Express program. The amount was nearly double what Post 86 normally donates; Post 86 members donated money and sold barbecue plates to raise funds.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office’s Toy Express program provides toys and clothes to children in Polk County during Christmas through donations from local businesses and individuals. Close to 300 children are registered for this year’s program.

The following are a few other examples of the American Legion Family assisting others during the holiday season. Remember to share how your post, unit, squadron or Legion Riders assisted others on


· In Safford, Swift-Murphy American Legion Post 32 hosted a Christmas party that included stocking decorating, cookie decorating, a coloring contest, face painting, temporary tattoos, and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. Every child received a gift, which came via a two-truckload donation of toys by the FFF Clubhouse to the post.

· Alley-White American Legion Post 52 in Mountain Home hosted a Christmas shopping event for veterans enrolled in the Department of Veterans Affairs or living in nursing homes, as well as those disabled considered living in a low-income household. The event was free.


The Arkansas American Legion Auxiliary and the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System joined together to operate a 2021 Christmas Gift Shop for patients at the facility to provide gifts for their loved ones at no cost to the veteran.

VA inpatients were provided forms for gift selection and to list family members. Gifts were selected by American Legion Auxiliary members, packaged, and mailed.


In Gainesville, American Legion Unit 16 hosted its eighth annual “Blessing Bucket Giveaway” for transitioning veterans. The unit provided a hot meal, haircut, clothes and a Christmas stocking to 20 veterans.


· Robert E. Coulter Jr. Post 1941 in La Grange teamed with Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army to host a week-long drive-thru toy and coat drop-off. The post also donated $1,000 to Toys for Tots.  

· American Legion Post 794 in East Alton donated $2,000 to the USO Center Operations at Lambert Airport in St. Louis to support servicemembers who may be traveling home for the holidays this year.


· In Kokomo, American Legion Post 6 donated to Toys for Tots for what is believed to be at least the 15th straight year. “It makes us feel good,” Post 6 Legionnaire Jerry Mitchell told the Kokomo Tribune. “That’s what we’re here for is to help the community.” The post also does an annual “Christmas Wrap” at the VA Northern Indiana Health Care System in Marion, providing more than 600 presents for VA patients and their families.

· American Legion Post 49 in Warsaw presented Toys for Tots with a $1,000 donation.


· In London, Mart Gentry Post 16 hosted its annual Christmas party, providing gifts and dinner to approximately 20 children. Santa Claus also made an appearance at the party.

· In Allen, American Legion Post 283 delivered 50 presents to children in need at Allen Elementary School.


In Vassalboro, American Legion Post 126 filled and donated 160 Christmas stockings to veterans at the Togus VA Medical Center. The stockings were made by the Sew for a Cause ladies at St. Bridget Center in North Vassalboro.


· In Gloucester, Capt. Lester S. Wass Post 3 is again delivering free Christmas ham dinners to the communities of Gloucester, Rockport, Manchester, Essex, Ipswich and Hamilton. The meals will be delivered on Christmas Day to veterans and their families, the elderly, and other area residents. The post delivered more than 600 Thanksgiving dinners earlier this year.

· In North Adams, Frank R. Stiles American Legion Post 125 is hosting for the 66th year its annual “Be Our Guest” Christmas Day dinner for veterans and community members. The post also is offering delivery and takeout for the meals, which consist of turkey soup, ham, potatoes, vegetables, a dinner roll and a dessert. "With COVID we couldn't hold this last year," Post 125 Commander Mitchell Keil told "We are excited to be able to bring it back. This is an event we have always really enjoyed. We are veterans, and it is important for us to look out for each other as well as others in the community. We have done this for a long time, and we don't want anybody to go without on Christmas." 


· In Howell, American Legion Devereaux Post 141 will deliver meals on Christmas Day for the Senior Nutrition service, Meals on Wheels and other shut-ins throughout Livingston County. Following the deliveries, the post is hosting a free traditional Christmas dinner for anyone wanting to attend.

· American Legion Auxiliary Unit 3 in Sault Ste. Marie delivered gift baskets to veterans in local assisted living homes and long-term care centers in the area. Items in the baskets included personal hygiene products, slippers, activity books, magazines, snacks and more.


In Nisswa, Billie Brown Post 627 hosted its annual Christmas party for children ages 10 and younger. The party included the reading of "The Polar Express”; an appearance by Santa and Mrs. Claus, who handed out Christmas stockings; and ice cream.


In Jefferson City, Post 5’s American Legion Family assembled and delivered more than 120 gift bags to veterans in area nursing facilities. The bags were filled with pudding, crackers, cookies, candy, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, socks, blankets, American flags and Christmas cards.

Post 5 also delivered gift baskets to the veterans who live independently at Heisinger Bluffs in Jefferson City to share.

New York

· In Adams, volunteers gathered at Don Rounds Post 586 to package more than 400 bags of food and other items for the “Sixtown Chamber Senior Citizens Dinner.” The bags – which contain a turkey dinner, a card and ornament, and a cookie – were delivered Dec. 5 to senior citizen shut-ins.

· In Mechanicville, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 91 delivered 32 $50 gift cards to the Mechanicville Area Community Services Center, Inc. for the unit’s 2021 "Adopt a Family" at Christmas.

North Carolina

· In Wilmington, American Legion Post 10 hosted the second annual Free Christmas Shop that provided new and gently used toys for families, as well as gifts for children to give to their parents. Community members and local businesses donated the items.

· In Concord, the annual Toys for Tots distribution normally happens at a local church. But with the church undergoing renovations, American Legion Post 51 volunteered its facility for the distribution. Members of the post’s American Legion Riders and Sons of The American Legion squadron joined with volunteers from the Marine Corps League to help organize the toys and distribution process. Around 350 families signed up to receive toys through the distribution.


· In Lima, Sons of The American Legion Squadron 96 hosted a Christmas party for local children that included a visit from Santa Claus, pizza and snacks, and presents.

· In Steubenville, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 33 provided gift cards and a turkey to veterans in need and their families. "A lot of my family are veterans,” Unit 33 President Cindy Longwell told WTOV. “I've got two grandsons in the military, and to see the smile when we hand them their gifts that they don't know they're getting it's really amazing.”


· In Marietta, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 136 celebrated Christmas on Dec. 9 with residents at the Ardmore Veterans Center. Unit 136 provides toiletries and other items in gift bags decorated by local school art classes.

· In Tulsa, American Legion Post 308 raised $1,605 for Toys for Tots.


In Hanover Township, Sons of The American Legion Squadron 609 donated $500 to Valley Santa to purchase Christmas gifts for children in need throughout Luzerne County.


In Burlington, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 91 hosted a drive-thru gift giveaway that included an appearance from Santa and Mrs. Claus. The gifts were provided to nearly 30 families with children in the local Head Start preschool program.

“We know there is a need among this group,” Auxiliary Unit 91 President Lynn Handy told “We look for people who are in need. It can be anybody, really.”


American Legion Post 10 will be delivering meals cooked by Bunkers Restaurant on Christmas Day to area veterans in need, one month after delivering 100 Thanksgiving meals to area veterans.

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