Across the country and around the world, The American Legion Family showed what “Veterans Strengthening America” means.
From the moment COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic in March 2020, The American Legion Family leaned into the crisis to serve communities, states and a nation in need.
That story is told and illustrated in a photo-filled, 84-page bookazine now available from Emblem Sales at www.legion.org/emblemsales or by calling (888) 453-4466. The limited edition bookazines are $9.95 each plus shipping and handling.
The American Legion Family mobilized to feed the hungry and isolated throughout the pandemic. Hundreds of thousands of protective face masks were obtained and distributed by American Legion posts, American Legion Auxiliary units, Sons of The American Legion squadrons and American Legion Riders chapters. When blood was sorely needed, The American Legion Family gave in record amounts. The 100 Miles for Hope challenge provided members and their families a healthy outlet during the difficult time, one that nearly 5,000 enjoyed as the pandemic wore on.
Meals were prepared and distributed throughout the country – from statewide support services in Michigan and Maine to free hamburgers for truck drivers alongside highways in upstate New York and snacks for quarantined troops in Alaska.
Virtual or socially distanced meetings, veteran career fairs, memorial ceremonies and drive-by birthdays – even a virtual Texas American Legion Boys State – became standard practice throughout the organization, conducted safely to reduce spread of infection. Some posts offered COVID-19 testing. Others later became vaccination sites.
The COVID Operations publication, American Legion National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford explained, “not only says what the American Legion Family did during this time; it illustrates who we are, and why it matters.”
The national commander said the bookazine can be used whenever someone asks what The American Legion Family is and does, adding that the account is a strong example of the recently adopted American Legion motto, “Veterans Strengthening America.”
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