Share your local holiday assistance efforts with us as we spotlight the #LegionFamilyHolidaySpirit.
Robert E. Coulter Jr. American Legion Post 1941 in La Grange, Ill., collected over 600 toys and over 200 coats at the post’s annual Toys for Tots and Coat Drive.
The post has hosted a collection drive for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program each year since 2018, and added a coat collection component for The Salvation Army in 2021.
“We are fortunate to have a post with member volunteers that come out and make our Toy and Coat Drive a success each year,” said Post 1941 senior vice commander Bill Kiddon, who noted that volunteers for the four-hour drive-through collection effort on Nov. 25 included Legionnaires, Sons and Auxiliary and family members.
“Our post commander, Mike Maher, and his wife, Patti Maher, greet cars in their Santa and Mrs. Claus attire (and) Marines in dress blues thank those who stop,” Kiddon said.
In addition to the annual toy drive, Post 1941 hosts a monthly blood drive for the Red Cross, earning recognition as a Premier Partner for those efforts, and has donated over $60,000 in 2023 to help organizations that help others, according to finance officer Charlie Anderson.
Share your efforts
Legion Family nationwide participate each year in Toys for Tots drives. American Legion Riders Chapter 169 in Wichita Falls, Texas, reinvigorated their area’s Toys for Tots program two years ago.
If your post, squadron or unit is conducting or has already held a Toys for Tots drive this holiday season, let us know. Share your efforts on legiontown.org as we highlight how the American Legion Family is delivering holiday cheer and assistance this season.
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