The Tractor Relay Across Nebraska more than doubled its Operation Comfort Warrior donations from last year.
Over the course of nine days and about 400 miles in early June, 100 farmers drove antique tractors across Nebraska and raised $10,766 for The American Legion's Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW) program. The fourth annual Tractor Relay Across Nebraska more than doubled last year's OCW donation of $4,300 – the first time the group raised money for a specific charity.
"When we chose (to raise funds for) OCW in 2014, we did so because we wanted to support veterans and their families and because OCW gives 100 percent to the vets and keeps no monies for administration," said relay coordinator Donelle Moormeier of Cortland, Neb. "We feel it is a wonderful program and the members of NAFA (Nebraska Antique Farming Association) have voted that OCW will be our 'drive for a cause' in future years."
The farmers, who drove upwards of 65 miles a day, were supported by American Legion posts along the route. Posts provided breakfast or dinner, held ice cream socials, and donated to OCW. Moormeier said it was "amazing" where all the OCW donations came from. For example, while stopped at a few restaurants along the way, they received $2,000 from a church and $500 from a gentleman after sharing their efforts to support OCW.
"There just isn't any greater feeling than to be able to raise money for such an important cause and to know that you have helped spread the word about the (OCW) program," Moormeier said.
About 10 years ago, Moormeier's son and a few friends drove tractors across Nebraska as part of their summer vacation, all while flying American flags in support of troops. "Little did my husband and I know at the time that NAFA would start a tractor drive across Nebraska, and that we would eventually be a part of raising money for OCW," she said. "We continue the tradition from our son and never go anywhere without our 3x5 flags flying high on our antigue tractors, supporting our troops and veterans for giving us freedom!"
- Operation Comfort Warriors