September 24, 2015

OCW honors wounded veterans

By The American Legion
Operation Comfort Warriors
OCW honors wounded veterans
Ed Lilley, assistant director of the Legion’s Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Division, presents a Samsung Galaxy tablet on behalf of OCW to retired Army Staff Sgt. Liliana Caparo.

Legion sponsors dinner for Walter Reed patients and family members, and gives away two Samsung tablets.

Two wounded servicemembers received Samsung Galaxy tablets from The American Legion's Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW) program during the Sept. 18 Aleethia Foundation Dinner in Washington, D.C.

Ed Lilley, assistant director of the Legion’s Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Division, presented the tablets on behalf of OCW to retired Army Staff Sgt. Liliana Caparo and Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Anthony Mannino. The dinner was conducted at the National Press Club’s banquet hall in downtown D.C. Caparo and Mannino are recovering at the Walter Reed National Medical Center.

The Samsung Galaxy tablets will be used by the servicemembers to aid them in tracking their medical appointments and facilitating their day to day events.

OCW sponsors an Aleethia Foundation dinner each quarter for approximately 65 wounded servicemembers and their family members.

One hundred percent of donations to OCW go toward events for wounded veterans and their families, as well as items that asisist them in their rehabilitation. In the past, OCW has provided adaptive sports therapy equipment for athletes, clothing and toiletries for homeless veterans, special clothing for burn victims and more.

  • Operation Comfort Warriors