August 20, 2018

A grant that will 'make a difference'

By Steven B. Brooks
Operation Comfort Warriors
A grant that will 'make a difference'
(Photo by Justin Stewart)

American Legion's Operation Comfort Warriors provides $5,000 worth of items to Kansas City VA Medical Center.

Not only did more than $120,000 in American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund donations come in Aug. 19 during the day’s final Legacy Run stop at Tirey J. Ford Post 21 in Independence, Mo. The patients at the Kansas City Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center also benefitted.

Following the Legacy Run donations, American Legion Department of Missouri Zone 2 Vice Commander and Post 21 member Mark Clark announced that the Legion’s Operation Comfort Warriors had provided a $5,000 grant to purchase items for the Kansas City VAMC.

The items donated included Nintendo Switch game systems, HD televisions and Blu-ray players, board games, Krups coffee makers and a Victrola 6-in-1 turntable.

“(Operation Comfort Warriors) makes a difference,” said Clark, who also is riding on the Legacy Run. “I promise you the veterans who are going to take advantage of this incredibly gracious gift – because of your hard work and devotion to this cause and this program – you’re going to make a difference in their lives.”

Three other OCW grants will be delivered during the Legacy Run.

  • Operation Comfort Warriors