National Instagram platform calls for submissions to honor the fallen.
In these times of social distancing, The American Legion Media & Communications Division offers members, friends and followers the opportunity to plant and cultivate a virtual garden of red poppies to honor the fallen. In the weeks leading up to National Poppy Day, May 22, submissions will be welcomed on the fast-growing American Legion national Instagram platform.
Photos of poppy art, jewelry, poppy-making events, distributions and more can be posted and tagged. More than welcome are images of real red poppies themselves, which symbolize the blood shed in battle to protect our nation’s freedoms.
Here is how to participate:
1: Follow The American Legion National Headquarters on Instagram: @theamericanlegion
2: Post photos and videos to your page and tag us: @theamericanlegion
3: Use the hashtag: #poppyday
Photos with #poppyday will appear on the National Poppy Day page at www.legion.org/poppyday where additional resources can be found.
- Poppy Day