American Legion helps make Thanksgiving happier

Press Release

American Legion teamwork and the generosity of a Connecticut-based non-profit organization are making this Thanksgiving a happier day for a great number of wounded warriors. The American Legion has distributed $60 gift checks to 2,000 wounded veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The funds were provided by the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes (CSAH), a non-profit organization that identifies itself as "the leading non-governmental provider of emergency financial relief to wounded soldiers from Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom and their families."

American Legion teamwork and the generosity of a Connecticut-based non-profit organization are making this Thanksgiving a happier day for a great number of wounded warriors.

The American Legion has distributed $60 gift checks to 2,000 wounded veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The funds were provided by the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes (CSAH), a non-profit organization that identifies itself as "the leading non-governmental provider of emergency financial relief to wounded soldiers from Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom and their families."

The Coalition partners with corporate sponsors, individual contributors, and volunteers "to provide a simple and meaningful way for individuals and corporations to help these veterans and their families rebuild their lives."

Verna Jones, director of the Legion's veterans affairs and rehabilitation division in Washington, said the Legion's involvement began with a call from the Coalition to D.C. headquarters offering gift money for distribution to wounded warriors. "We, in turn, passed the word along to our network of department adjutants, commanders and service officers, asking them to identify veterans who would most benefit from a holiday gift."

National Guard and reserve units, the Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) and Walter Reed Army Medical Center were also asked to participate. "The response was overwhelming," Jones said, "with literally thousands of emails and phone calls pouring in."

The American Legion's national headquarters in Indianapolis administered the preparation and mailing of the gift checks, each with a letter attached from Roger Chapin, president and founder of CSAH, who explained: "In 2005, the Coalition started distributing checks and gift cards to severely wounded service members just before special holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.

"These can be especially difficult times for disabled veterans who are struggling to make ends meet," he continued. "Thanksgiving, in particular, is all about spending time with family, so we wanted these veterans and their loved ones to be able to truly enjoy the occasion and be reminded of how much their sacrifices are appreciated by the American people."

Chapin continued, "We are delighted [that] The American Legion is assisting us in the distribution of the holiday checks. This will make them appreciated even more since our veterans hold the Legion in such high regard." Chapin says, as of this season, 10,000 deserving disabled servicemen and women will have been awarded holiday checks or gift cards worth collectively more than $2.3 million.

  • Press Release