The American Legion Expands Get Out The Vote Program By Closing National Offices On Election Day and Encouraging State Offices To Join The American Legion has announced plans to close its three national headquarters offices on Nov. 8, 2016, to give employees an opportunity to vote, help others get to the polls and volunteer in local, state and national elections.
The American Legion Expands Get Out The Vote Program By Closing National Offices On Election Day and Encouraging State Offices To Join
The American Legion has announced plans to close its three national headquarters offices on Nov. 8, 2016, to give employees an opportunity to vote, help others get to the polls and volunteer in local, state and national elections.
State American Legion departments are also encouraged to join the national efforts so all American Legion employees nationwide have the day to participate in the election process. Additionally, The American Legion is encouraging all of its members to participate in the organization’s Get Out The Vote program by volunteering at local polls or by helping their fellow citizens cast their ballots.
The American Legion is a nonpolitical, nonpartisan organization but advocates for all U.S. citizens to register and vote in all elections. The American Legion does not show preference for or against any particular candidate or political party.
Since its inception in 1920, The American Legion’s Get Out The Vote program has encouraged Americans to exercise their right to vote and help others understand the importance of the electoral process . The program suggests activities on how American Legion posts can increase voter turnout and serve as a resource on Election Day. This program urges Legionnaires, posts, districts and state departments to volunteer in their communities by calling at least five friends to remind them to vote, provide rides to and from the polls if necessary, and use social media to share information about poll locations and times.
“Every election is important, and The American Legion believes voting in our country’s elections is among the truest expression of Americanism,” American Legion National Commander Charles E. Schmidt said. “As veterans, we fought and served to preserve the republic we cherish. As American Legion members, we can aid the political process while staying nonpartisan by taking a lead in our communities to educate, inform, vote and volunteer.”
For more information on The American Legion Get Out The Vote program and resources available go to
- Press Release