The American Legion's Operation Comfort Warriors finishes first, wins $250K in Pepsi Cola's Refresh Everything Project

Press Release

Hundreds of American Legion Riders arrived in Baltimore Wednesday to show their support for the children of America’s fallen servicemembers, wrapping up The American Legion’s 10th annual Legacy Run and bringing with them more than $400,000 for those they are supporting.

Hundreds of American Legion Riders arrived in Baltimore Wednesday to show their support for the children of America’s fallen servicemembers, wrapping up The American Legion’s 10th annual Legacy Run and bringing with them more than $400,000 for those they are supporting.

During the four-day ride – which left Indianapolis, Ind., on Aug. 23 and covered more than 1,000 miles through Kentucky, Ohio and Pennsylvania before arriving in Maryland – nearly 300 Legion Riders raised funds for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. The Legacy Fund helps provide college educations for the sons and daughters of military members who lost their lives while serving since 9/11. Established in October 2001, just one month after the terrorist attacks, The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund was one of the first established for this purpose.

“The American Legion (was) the first one to step forward and say, ‘We need to do something for the children of the fallen,’” said American Legion National Commander Michael D. Helm, who rode along with the Legacy Run. “Other people and the government stepped in later and have done something, too. But we were the first ones to be there. We’re carrying on that tradition.”

Last year, American Legion Riders raised $1 million for the Legacy Scholarship Fund on their ride from Indianapolis to Charlotte, N.C., the site of last year’s national convention. Donations will continue to be made throughout this year’s American Legion National Convention in Baltimore, which begins Friday and goes through Sept. 3.

This year’s Legacy Run included stops at several veterans memorials for wreath-laying ceremonies, as well as a stop for a ceremony at the Flight 93 National Memorial.

More information about American Legion Riders is available at

More information about the Legacy Scholarship Fund is available at

  • Press Release