National Commander Fang A. Wong to speak at Connecticut luncheon, present awards to reservists.
The United States has celebrated Armed Forces Day on the third Saturday in May since 1950. When the separate departments for each military service branch were placed under the new Department of Defense in the late 1940s, it was decided that there should be one all-inclusive service day to recognize each uniformed branch and those who serve in it.
Many countries around the world have versions of this holiday. As with these other countries, Armed Forces Day is a chance for the people of the United States to celebrate its active national military, while Memorial Day and Veterans Day are meant to honor those who have served in the past. Across the country, through events such as air shows and open houses, the military shows the public what it does and how it’s done.
Numerous receptions around the country will mark Armed Forces Day on May 19, and American Legion National Commander Fang A. Wong is scheduled to appear at the 63rd Connecticut Armed Forces Day Luncheon in Southington, Conn. Wong will serve as guest speaker and present awards.
The national commander plans to visit a number of Connecticut posts, meet with state Gov. Dannel Malloy and visit Jewett City, Conn., where LaFlamme-Kusek Post 15 has been converting both the top floor of its building and a four-floor building on adjacent property into housing for homeless veterans. Read more about the Post 15 project here.
- Public Relations