Post 392 Legion family opens its doors for eighth annual ‘Tickled Pink’ Breast Cancer Awareness Poker Run.
In October, the Thunder Angels, a local Panama City Ladies Riding Group – many of whom are American Legion Auxiliary and Rider members – conducted their eighth annual “Tickled Pink” Breast Cancer Awareness Poker Run to raise money for breast cancer.
The Paul W. Airey American Legion Post 392 hosted the event. Post 392 is one of the fastest-growing posts in the state of Florida and has more than 300 members, 130 Auxiliary, 75 Sons of The American Legion and more than 150 Legion Riders. The post supports many community charities and activities. The reason is simple, said Cary Deeter, the fundraising director for Post 392’s Riders: “To show and demonstrate to our community that we as an American Legion family not only talk the talk, but we walk the walk by our involvement in supporting all veterans and our local community,” he said. “We are honored that the Thunder Angels chose our post to host their eighth annual ‘Tinkled Pink’ Breast Cancer Awareness Poker Run.”
Thunder Angel President Pam Tiller said that through the cooperative efforts of all involved, $9,040 was raised and donated to the American Cancer Society for the ongoing research and treatment of cancer.
For those who attended and participated in the event, there was a 50/50 drawing, various donated baskets that were raffled, door prize raffles and silent auctions. Food and drink were made available by Post 392, as was the ample parking for 295 motorcycles that rode the poker run route.
- Riders