August 13, 2013

Riders' Biker for Boots event raises $15,000

Riders’ Biker for Boots event raises $15,000
Riders’ Biker for Boots event raises $15,000

American Legion Riders Chapter 24 in Tombstone, Ariz., collect thousands of dollars for foundation benefiting Arizona veterans.

American Legion Riders Chapter 24 in Tombstone, Ariz., recently hosted the third annual Bikers For Boots benefit to raise funds for Boots For OUR Troops Foundation of Arizona. The foundation provides financial assistance to Arizona veterans, servicemembers and their families.

Preparations for this event began in January and involved the entire American Legion Post 24 Legion family. The event included a poker run, live and silent auctions, a bake sale, a Legion family membership drive and live music.

Post 24’s Riders set a goal of raising $10,000 for the event, but an amazing turnout and overwhelming show of support from participants and donors resulted in raising more than $15,000. One hundred percent of the money raised went directly to Boots For OUR Troops and prevented more than 24 military families from losing their homes or having the utilities shut off.

  • Riders