Rebuilding Together, Craftsman seeking veterans attending Sturgis Rally to help renovate Vet’s Club of Sturgis.
Volunteers are needed to help renovate the Sturgis, S.D., Veterans Club in late July during the annual Sturgis Rally. Rebuilding Together and Craftsman will be on site to provide improvements to the Veterans Club, which has served Sturgis veterans and the community since 1946 and is in desperate need of repairs. The facility has been operating with outdated electrical and plumbing, worn-out flooring, faded walls, limited storage space and more.
American Legion Riders and other volunteers are needed July 29-31. Skilled and semi-skilled volunteers are needed June 29-30 to help with floor refinishing, demo, kitchen remodeling and other skilled tasks. On July 31, the renovation will wrap up with painting, landscaping and lighter tasks, before a press conference to display all the work completed and highlight the importance of vets organizations like the Veterans Club in the community.
Registration and breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. each day, with work starting by 9 a.m. Work concludes by 4 p.m. Breakfast, lunch and an event t-shirt will be provided, as will all materials and supplies needed to complete the work.
For more information, email Mirando Do. To register, click here. When registering, please state which day(s) you are available and select all the skills you can provide to the project.
- Riders