Riders from multiple chapters deliver holiday cheer, stockings to residents of VA community living center, dorm.
On Dec. 11, American Legion Riders from the Department of Arizona’s District 8 traveled to the Prescott VA Medical Center for their annual Christmas program. Legion Rider Chapters 6 (Prescott), 25 (Cottonwood), 40 (Chino Valley), 78 (Dewey/Humboldt), 93 (Camp Verde), 108 (Prescott Valley) and 140 (Prescott Valley) all contributed to this year's event.
The Riders visited patients and the Prescott VA Community Living Center and residents of the Prescott VA Dorm. From there the Riders (with Santa leading the way on his bike) rode to the US Vets facility to pass out stockings to the residents there. The Riders passed out about 175 stockings containing candy, cookies, crackers and various stocking stuffers. In addition raising money themselves, the Riders also receiving donations from the Camp Verde Ace Hardware, Albertson's in Prescott, Walgreens in Prescott, Harbor Freight in Prescott, the Prescott Costco, and the City of Prescott Firefighters (particularly Station Number 74).
- Riders