Events scheduled for May 25-27 and will culminate with 100s of Legion Riders departing from the post for the Run to the Thunder.
Since 2012, American Legion Post 177 in Fairfax, Va., has served as a gathering point for American Legion Riders taking part in the annual Rolling Thunder Ride to Freedom. That tradition will continue this year.
Registration now is open for the 2018 American Legion Riders Ride to the Thunder. This year’s event will take place May 25-27 and will feature multiple rides and activities, culminating with hundreds of Legion Riders leaving Post 177 very early on May 27 to take part in the Run to the Thunder.
The voluntary registration fee for the event is $10 per motorcycle and will be used to help cover expenses associated with the organization and execution of this event; any funds left over will be donated directly to The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. To register, click here.
More information about the weekend’s activities will be made available at www.ALRRollingThunder.com.
- Riders