National American Legion Advisory Committee Chairman Mark Clark provides update on Legion Rider activities amidst coronavirus pandemic which include plans for a virtual Legacy Run.
As previously announced, the 15th American Legion Legacy Run – which was to be held Aug. 16-20, 2020 – is cancelled. Traditionally, departments hold their own fundraisers or encouraged posts to donate to The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund, with a cutoff date of Aug. 1 so that all donations could be deposited and a check for the total amount be prepared for presentation at the annual American Legion National Convention. COVID-19 disrupted that schedule through the cancellation of the convention this year and by limiting fundraising due to stay-at-home orders in many states.
As a result, a virtual ride is being planned and will be announced in the coming days. For planning purpose, a new cut-off date for Legacy Fund donations is Dec. 31. American Legion departments also are reminded that if they want individual donors to be recognized for their gift of $500 or more, they need to note their names when submitting donations to National Headquarters.
We are currently working on plans to have this year’s donations presented to the national commander during the October Fall Meetings in Indianapolis if those meetings remain as scheduled. We know that fundraising this year will be impacted by COVID-19, but through this virtual ride we can still raise funds to assist the children of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom or bear the visible and invisible scars of war. Thanks to all for assisting in raising awareness of this critically important fund for the future of our nation’s greatest asset—the children of the fallen and disabled.
- Riders