September 10, 2020

Legacy Run's 15-year journey chronicled in book

By The American Legion
Legacy Run’s 15-year journey chronicled in book
Legacy Run’s 15-year journey chronicled in book

Illustrated publication covers nearly 20,000 miles “for the cause, not the applause.”

A new 44-page, photo-filled history of The American Legion’s Legacy Run’s first 15 years is now available for 2020 contributors to The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund.

“For the Cause, Not the Applause” captures in words, voices, numbers and memories the annual motorcycle ride that has raised more than $11 million since 2006 to provide scholarship money to the children of U.S. military personnel who died or became over 50% disabled on active duty since 2001.

Interspersed throughout the publication are voices of students who have benefited from more than $3 million in Legacy Scholarships awarded through the years.

The booklets are special gifts for those who contribute at the Tier 4 or higher level to this year’s virtual Legacy Run, which replaces the annual ride that was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The donation period has been extended this year to run through Dec. 31, 2020.

The donation tiers are as follows:

Tier 1 - $15: Donors receive a thank-you card signed by the national commander and American Legion Riders chairman.

Tier 2 - $25: Donors receive a 15th Annual challenge coin.

Tier 3 - $50: Donors receive a 15th Annual Ride t-shirt.

Tier 4 - $75: Donors receive a Legacy Run 15 years in review booklet, the ride’s main patch and a “Quarantined 2020 Riding in Spirit” rocker.

Tier 5 - $250: Donors receive all the above items.

To learn more and to make a tax-deductible gift to the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund, click here.

  • Riders