The fourth annual Military Classic of the South on Ice charity hockey game was a success for the Legion’s Legacy Scholarship and The Citadel.
The fourth annual Military Classic of the South on Ice charity hockey game, which took place Dec. 3 at the Raleigh (N.C.) Ice Plex, was a huge success. Not only did The Citadel take home the winning trophy for the second year in a row against Virginia Military Institute, but for the first time in four years the event raised more than $8,000 for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund.
For the past three years, the Military Classic of the South on Ice charity hockey game has raised more than $14,000 for the Legacy Scholarship. This year, The American Legion Department of North Carolina hoped to raise enough money to surpass the $20,000 mark, which they did. To date, the event has donated nearly $23,000 to the Legacy Scholarship, which ensures that the children of parents who died while on active-duty military service on or after Sept. 11, 2001, achieve their dream of attending college.
“Without their (hockey players) efforts and sacrifice, we couldn’t have raised any of this money for the Legacy Scholarship Fund,” said event coordinator Rev. Philip Taylor, a life member of Post 132 in Smithfield, N.C. “The young men on these two teams represent what’s right with America. They work hard, play hard and are willing to do anything that helps the families of our fallen comrades. The Citadel, Virginia Military Institute and The American Legion should be very proud of these fine young cadet athletes.”
Go to www.militaryclassiconice.org/ for more information on the Military Classic of the South on Ice. And to see how you can support the Legion's Legacy Scholarship, click here.
- Scholarships