December 27, 2012

'Need A Lift' to be discontinued

By The American Legion
'Need A Lift' to be discontinued
'Need A Lift' to be discontinued

As of Jan. 1, the financial aid reference handbook and CD-ROM are no longer available.

For 62 years, The American Legion "Need A Lift?" handbook and CD-ROM served as a comprehensive financial aid reference guide to veterans, veterans' dependents and members of the Legion Family.  However, the Legion has decided to discontinue production of the "Need A Lift?" handbook and CD-ROM as it is now possible for individuals to easily search the Internet on their own for available scholarships and college information.

The decision to discontinue the financial aid handbook was made by the National Americanism and National Finance Commissions during the 2012 Fall Meetings in Indianapolis.

Communication about the discontinuation is being delivered to the department, district and post level by the Americanism and Children & Youth Division, but the Legion asks that you too please help spread the word.

  • Scholarships