February 29, 2016

Legion scholarship aids children of fallen military

By The American Legion
Legion scholarship aids children of fallen military
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The Legacy Scholarship is available for the children of parents who died while on active-duty military service on or after Sept. 11, 2001.

The American Legion supports the children of parents who died while on active-duty military service on or after Sept. 11, 2001 through its renewable scholarship, the Legacy Scholarship.

This includes legally adopted children or children of a spouse by a prior marriage.

The Legacy Scholarship helps high school seniors preparing to attend college, or graduates working toward an undergraduate degree, with the expense of tuition, books, room and board, and other supplies needed to achieve a higher education.

If you or someone you know is eligible for the Legacy Scholarship, download a 2016 application here. Returning applicants are required to complete a renewal application, which can be downloaded here. Both applications must be postmarked no later than April 15.

The application must be filled out online, then printed and mailed to American Legion National Headquarters; handwritten applications will be returned. The 2016 completed applications must be postmarked to National Headquarters by April 1.

For further questions regarding the scholarship, please email scholarships@legion.org.

  • Scholarships