August 02, 2010

Scouts put cap on busy week

By James V. Carroll
Scouts put cap on busy week
Weather was not the only challenge at National Scout Jamboree 2010. Ticks abound, but were probably outnumbered by the 45,000 Scouts at the jamboree Photo by James V. Carroll

More than 45,000 Scouts learn of their organization's history, bond together during National Jamboree.

Boy Scouts from across the country arrived Monday at Fort A.P. Hill, Va., expecting great experiences during their week and a half at National Scout Jamboree 2010. They were not disappointed.

More than 45,000 Scouts gathered on a hillside earlier this week to celebrate 100 years of Scout history, as well as to hear celebrities, dignitaries, and adult Scout leaders offer praise and underscore the role the boys and young men will play in America's future. Among the speakers were Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Miss America 2010 Caressa Cameron and Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine. The Army Golden Knights parachute team dropped in. And an Air Force drill team and Army trumpeters performed.

While activities changed from day to day, one element - the weather - remained constant: hot, hot and hot. Early in the week, the daytime temperature rose above 100 degrees. Scouts walked about the grounds shaded by caps. Many of them wore water-soaked handkerchiefs draped about their neck. Others lined up daily near the Army exhibit, waiting their turn to learn scuba techniques at two gigantic above ground swimming pools. Water stations were placed strategically throughout the 12,000-acre jamboree site and every Scout had either a water bottle or canteen with him at all times.

Organized physical and cerebral opportunities abounded at four action centers. And at the sprawling merit badge midway, Scouts began or completed requirements for 100 different merit badges. Of course, unorganized activities are inevitable. Tossing around a baseball or football are favorite pastimes, as is, Frisbee.


  • Scouting