The American Legion's annual Holiday Blood Donor Drive is underway.
The American Legion’s annual Holiday Blood Donor Drive is currently underway and runs through Dec. 31. During this time, American Legion Family members are encouraged to give blood and host blood drives as part of the American Legion Blood Donor Program – an organizational effort that has existed since 1946 to help a lifesaving cause. Learn more at legion.org/security/blood.
In 2022, American Legion posts had 59,835 donors donate 100,786 pints of blood.
If your American Legion post, district or department is interested in hosting a blood drive in your community, the American Red Cross recommends visiting this link to learn more about how to start the process. Additional information about blood donations can also be found at:
- American Red Cross, redcrossblood.org
- American Association of Blood Banks, aabb.org
- Council of Community Blood Centers, givingblood.org
The American Legion Blood Donor Program recognizes departments in two areas for blood donation efforts: post participation and individual Legionnaire participation. Post participation awards are given to departments with the highest number of participating posts. Individual participation awards are given to departments with the highest percentage of individuals giving blood to the program.
- Security