November 01, 2012

Ask a Service Officer: Adult day care

By The American Legion
Service Officers

Have a question about your VA claim? Ask an American Legion accredited service officer.

Q. My dad is alone most days, and he seems to be forgetting simple things. I can’t be with him as much as he needs. His doctor says it’s nothing serious, and some more activity would help him. How do I get adult day care for my dad?

A. Adult Day Health Care is part of the VA Medical Benefits; all enrolled veterans are eligible to apply.

If the veteran is already enrolled in VA healthcare, contact the social worker on the veteran’s Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT). If you do not have a PACT social worker, then contact the VA Medical Center Social Work Service here.

When a veteran is not enrolled in VA healthcare, please contact your nearest service officer or call VA’s Healthcare Enrollment at 877-222-8387 about enrolling. For a list of American Legion accredited service officers in your area, please visit

According to VA’s Guide to Long Term Care:

"Adult Day Health Care is a program veterans can go to during the day for social activities, peer support, companionship, and recreation.

Adult Day Health Care is for Veterans who need skilled services, case management, and assistance with activities of daily living (e.g., bathing and getting dressed) or instrumental activities of daily living (e.g., fixing meals and taking medicines); are isolated or their caregiver is experiencing burden. Adult Day Health Care can be used in combination with other Home and Community Based Services. Health services such as care from nurses, therapists, social workers, and others may also be available.

Adult Day Health Care can provide respite care for a family caregiver and can also help Veterans and their caregiver gain skills to manage the Veteran’s care at home.

Adult Day Health Care can be a half-day or full-day program. Usually, you would go to an Adult Day Health Care center 2 to 3 times per week, but you may be able to go up to 5 times a week.

Adult Day Health Care may be provided at VA medical centers, State Veterans Homes, or community organizations.

A co-payment for Adult Day Health Care may be charged based on your eligibility status and means test criteria. Contact your VA social worker/case manager to complete the Application for Extended Care Benefits (VA Form 10-10EC)."

Download the application here.

Do you have a question about the claims process or veterans benefits in general for Department of Missouri Service Officer Tracy Davis? Send it to

Read more Service Officer questions at by clicking here.

  • Service Officers