March 03, 2015

Ask a Service Officer: Attend a Legion VBC prepared

By Cajun Comeau, Department of North Carolina Service Officer
Service Officers

Q: I'm attending one of the Legion's Veterans Benefits Centers. What do I need to bring?

Q: I'm attending one of the Legion's Veterans Benefits Centers. What do I need to bring?

A: The American Legion Veterans Benefits Centers (VBCs) help veterans enroll in VA health care, schedule VA medical appointments, file VA disability or pension benefits, and more. Some veterans who attend the VBC’s are represented by an accredited service officer, but many are not. If you are represented by a service officer, I advise you to consult with him or her about documents and other evidence you need to take to the event. If you don’t have representation, the VBC will provide that for you, or you can find an American Legion service officer in your area online:

If you are seeking veterans benefits during your visit to the VBC, you should have a plan for what you want, be able to provide evidence that supports your position, and have a clear understanding of what the status of your issue is. If you have never filed a benefits claim, then you will need your DD214 or another discharge document depending on your period of service. You may also need marriage, birth and death certificates, and other official documentation depending on the type of action you plan to undertake while at the event.

Several Legion departments, including North Carolina, are conducting their own VBCs. North Carolina has held a few Veterans Benefits Action Centers where nearly 1,300 veterans were assisted with adjudicative action on claims, appeals and other health care concerns. Veterans need help, and they need to know they are respected. The Legion is leading the charge to restore the veterans of this great nation to the esteemed status that they deserve.

  • Service Officers