July 29, 2012

SAL commander gives gratitude


Sons of The American Legion National Commander shares his appreciation.

My Fellow Sons,

I can’t tell you how proud I am to be your national commander. I have traveled far and wide this year and have heard many great things about the work you are doing to support our great American Legion family.

We have had a great year and I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate what you all have done. Our membership continues to show positive number, and we continue to be ahead of this time last year. We are currently very close to making our 100% in membership and I am asking all of you to make one last push to get your 2012 cards into National. The key here will be our renewals for 2012. If you know someone who has not paid their dues for 2012, encourage them to pay. Have some fun with it. We only have 4 percent to go to reach the 90 percent renewal target, and I am confident that we will get there.

Our contributions are way up this year especially for the Child Welfare Foundation, over half a million — $506,264.29 to be exact. Amazing!

Thanks again for all that you do, your commitment is truly outstanding and it shows how much of a team we are, all 348,000 of you.

I am looking forward to seeing you all during the National Convention in Indianapolis.

James K Roberts III

National Commander

Sons of The American Legion

  • Sons