Membership renewal deadline draws to a close.
Fellow Members,
As our great 2011-2012 membership trail ride draws to a close, let’s take time to reflex on this past year.
We started off strong and held close to the front in membership for most of the year. But as the months passed and we approached the final leg of our journey, we seemed to hit a brick wall. I do not attribute this to the lack of effort on anyone’s part; it’s just a fact of life. The Midwest has been hit hard this past year with more than its share of misfortune. Sometimes no matter how hard you try it just doesn’t seem to be in the cards. In tough times the fat needs to be trimmed, and to some, membership in organizations is a place to start. That is why it is so important to stress the principles and ideals of our organization when selling ourselves. If our members understand what The American Legion and Sons of The American Legion is all about, renewals become much easier to gather.
On the positive side, most detachments are still within reach of 100 percent of membership target by National Convention, and surely by the end of the calendar year. The key is to never give up on those that have not renewed.
With that being said, let’s talk briefly about service hours and monetary donations. Wow! This past year, through your generosity, we made a difference. Over half a million dollars was donated to the Child Welfare Foundation, talk about getting it done! Everywhere I go and everyone I talk to tell me countless stories of service to the men and women serving in the Armed Forces, veterans, child and youth and Americanism programs. It truly is amazing all of the work being done out there for the Sons of The American Legion. You all should be very proud of your accomplishments this past year; I am.
This being the last installment on the website, I want to thank you all for your dedication and service this past year. It has been an honor to have been able to serve you as the Midwest Region National Vice Commander. I look forward to seeing many of you in Indianapolis for National Convention.
Your friend and comrade in service,
Danny Smith
National Vice Commander
- Sons