Sons of The American Legion have a goal of raising $400,000 for the Child Welfare Foundation.
The Sons of The American Legion have shown their support for the Child Welfare Foundation (CWF) year after year. Last November, the SAL completed The Drive to Five and surpassed the $5 million mark in total contributions to CWF. Your national CWF committee wishes to thank all members, especially our Children’s Action Team members, for continuing to make that happen. The demand for grant money continues to rise and only through your tireless efforts can we achieve our goals. Since 1954, over $11.8 million in grants have been awarded by the foundation. In October 2011, the CWF board of directors awarded $506,683 in grants to 19 non-profit organizations.
Because CWF’s end-of-year contribution is rapidly approaching, May 31, it’s time to make your donation to the foundation. SAL National Commander Jim Roberts set a goal of $400,000 in contributions from the SAL this year. Let’s reach, even surpass, that goal. Through your hard work and dedication, we can achieve Roberts' goal and make it a memorable year for the SAL national commander.
Throughout the nation, squadrons and detachments hold fundraisers to raise money for CWF. In Colorado, three local squadrons (17, 21 and 178) conduct the Great Clear Creek Duck Race every year. The duck race is a great way to publicize the mission of CWF in Colorado, all while supporting the foundation. This event is just one of the many CWF fundraisers that take place throughout the country.
SAL members, it’s time to get those donations in. As we come down the backstretch of our donation year, lets "Floor it to Four" ($400,000). Don’t let up on that pedal until we reach our goal because together we can make a difference for the youth of our nation. The CWF committee thanks you for all your efforts this year.
"Dedicated to the betterment of all children."
National CWF Chairman
Pete Sierminski
- Sons