SAL has a goal is to receive 1,800 reports of Americanism.
Sons of The American Legion members, your Americanism Commission thanks you not only for the faith and commitment you have demonstrated, but also for your continuous work and devotion to the programs and principles of the SAL.
Many of you have kept the commission informed of your activities this year, and I commend you on this.
Your participation in last fall’s American Education Week, and your disbursement of materials such as the "I Pledge Allegiance" and "Our Country’s Flag" comic books have definitely educated many elementary and middle school students about how to respect and honor our flag.
Your ongoing support of The American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship program has once again helped in the growth of not only the program but in the students which participated. Your sponsorship of candidates to your respective Boys State programs will shine as those leaders will soon participate at Boys Nation.
Now you have another task ahead of you. If you have not done so, it is now time to report all of the Americanism activities your squadron has performed this membership year on the Consolidated Squadron Report Form. This is one of the most important documents your squadron is required to complete each year. Yes, this document is used for national awards, but the report is also used to tally the volunteer hours and donations of the Sons of The American Legion.
Nearly 1,600 reports made it to National Convention in 2012. Your challenge is to see that those numbers are increased. An overwhelming majority of squadrons are still not reporting and that is where we need you to step up.
In addition to those who already report, I challenge each national vice commander to get reports from three detachments that did not report last year. I challenge each national executive committeeman to get three district / regional reports that did not report last year. I challenge each alternate national executive committeeman to get three squadron reports that did not report last year. And I further challenge each national committee and commission member to see that their squadron has turned in a report.
Our goal is to have 1,800 reports of Americanism. Leadership positions are not give, they are earned. Let us all step up and show we have earned the right to be here.
Bill Towns: National Americanism Chairman
- Sons