SAL members in the nation's capital for the Legion's Washington Conference.
With record snows and wind chills making travel difficult and sometimes impossible, members of the Sons of The American Legion, along many other Legion family members, made their yearly trek to Washington, D.C. With flights cancelled or delayed, the members reverted to buses, trains and automobiles to reach their destination.
Once they arrived they found our nation’s capital covered in snow and ice. Watching the sentries at the Tomb of the Unknowns shovel ice instead of their normal precision watch was unique.
Coping with the colder temperatures the members were out in force to their scheduled destinations (Arlington National Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknowns, World War II Memorial, Korean War Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Wall Memorial) to present wreaths and show respect for the sacrifices made by our nation’s military.
SAL members returned to the Washington Hilton to attend numerous meetings and informative sessions that are held during the four day conference. Also many of those attending will be having meetings and social gatherings with their elected officials.
SAL National Commander Mike Moss is in attendane, as well as SAL Membership Chairman George Flasinski, Legislative Chairman David Lee, VA&R Chairman Clint Bolt, Public Relations Chairman Joe Korba, and National Vice Commander East Greg Gibbs. We don’t have a total number of Sons in attendance, but we are well represented.
- Sons