December 02, 2018

SAL national commander encourages membership in new PSAs

By The American Legion
SAL national commander encourages membership in new PSAs
SAL national commander encourages membership in new PSAs

Downloadable videos are available for sharing the story of the Sons of The American Legion.

Sons of The American Legion National Commander Greg “Doc” Gibbs is encouraging those eligible to join the Sons to do so through a series of public service announcements (PSAs) that are available on the Legion’s Vimeo channel and LegionTV.

To share the commander’s PSAs on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, click here. And for promotional efforts within your community, view PSAs on Vimeo here.

All male descendants, adopted sons and stepsons of members of The American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during World I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, the Persian Gulf War and the War on Terrorism, during the delimiting periods set forth in Article IV, Section 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion.

For additional American Legion PSAs and promotional videos that highlight Team 100, Legion programs and more, click here. These short PSAs and videos on the Legion's Vimeo channel can be shared via mobile devices or downloaded onto a computer hard drive and shared without the need for internet connection. Use these videos to tell the Legion's story, as well as aid in membership recruiting, fundraising efforts, support for programs and events, and more.

  • Sons