June 25, 2018

'A future of continued excellence'

By SAL National Commander Danny Smith

Summer presents many opportunities for Sons of The American Legion members to serve in their communities and with programs of The American Legion.

Summer presents many opportunities for Sons of The American Legion members to serve in their communities and with programs of The American Legion. But before I move forward, I want to reflect on a few accomplishments that you have made possible.

For 2016-2017, you set another all-time high in membership – just shy of 370,000 members. That is 1,913 members above our previous all-time high. You contributed $594,414 to the Child Welfare Foundation to establish a record donation year.

Volunteer service hours and contributions to American Legion programs were up, and we continued with our mission as stated in the Sons Preamble to the National Constitution.

Congratulations and thank you for making this possible.

Spring conferences are behind us and now detachment conventions are underway. Hopefully many of you attended these meetings to learn more about our organization and are now re-energized to make the push needed to complete what has been an outstanding administrative year so far.

This year marks The American Legion’s 99th birthday, something not many organizations can proclaim. And now we will soon be off to Minneapolis for the Sons 47th annual National Convention and the Legion’s 100th National Convention.

Whoa! I need to slow down and look at what the next few months have in store.

Just as in nature, The American Legion will see a rebirth, so to speak, in many of its long-standing programs as several youth programs are now underway for the summer. We’ve reached the time of year when many programs of The American Legion are becoming vibrant and creating many opportunities for us to volunteer and make a difference.

Several of these programs are directed toward the development of youth in our communities that instill the values of Americanism prepares them for the future.

April brought the National Oratorical Contest finals in Indianapolis. This event featured the top contestants from each department and spotlighted some of the best high school orators in the country. If you have never attended an American Legion Oratorical Contest you are missing out on a showcase of some very talented high school students.

Programs of The American Legion that are now underway are Boys State, Youth Cadet Law Enforcement, American Legion Baseball and the Junior Shooting Sports championship. If you’re not already a volunteer for any of these programs, contact your local American Legion post, district or department youth program chairmen to learn more.

Summer is also a busy time for patriotic holidays and community events, such Fourth of July. This is a fantastic time to get out and be seen in your hometown. Community parades and celebrations make perfect opportunities to get out and make an impact.

No matter what events you take part in, wear your Sons emblem with pride, be proud of your heritage and represent the Sons of The American Legion.

Squadrons and detachments will be electing, if it hasn’t already been done, new officers to lead them into the next administrative year. As we wind down the 2017-2018 year, take time to review your contributions to our organization, your community and state, then transfer this information to the Consolidated Squadron Report Form. This is not a contest, it is a reconciliation of all of the services and investments you have made this past year.

Information from the report is compiled with reports from across the country, submitted to The American Legion, and used in conjunction with their totals that are presented to Congress when the national commander testifies during the annual Washington Conference.

National awards are available that recognize those who do outstanding work in the various service areas listed on the report form. Awards are presented annually during our national convention.

We know that everyone does a massive amount of work promoting and supporting the programs of The American Legion. Let’s make sure that it all gets reported.

Before this membership year comes to an end, please remember our premier programs: the Endowment Fund, the National Emergency Fund and the Child Welfare Foundation. We are asking for donations of 50 cents, 50 cents and $1, respectively, for these American Legion charities. As stated previously, "Think of this: For less than the cost of a designer cup of coffee or bottle of soda from a vending machine, you can make a difference in someone’s life."

Thank you to all who have supported these programs! To those who have yet to make a donation, there is still time to make a difference and create a smile. Continue with your commitment to making the Sons of The American Legion a vital part of the American Legion Family.

Together we can, and together we will, make a difference!

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