SAL National Commander Clint Bolt encourages Sons members to keep working as 2019-20 term comes to a close.
We are now transitioning to our new year but there is much left to do for 2020. Right now there are 57,433 members that have not renewed for 2020. We need to reach out to them and let them know how important they are to us and if there is anything The Sons of The American Legion can do for them.
Continue with Buddy Checks; they have proven to be our best form of staying in touch with our veterans and the Sons membership. When the posts closed, so many were shut off of social interaction and the support system that they came to depend on. Reaching out is the best way to gauge the level of help that is needed by the veterans and the Sons.
This pandemic has had an impact on the amount of money raised for Legion Charities. It's important that we do all we can to keep the Legion tool box ready to go when called on. When a natural disaster strikes, the NEF is there, ready to assist. If the children of a veteran are faced with losing their home due to lack of money for rent, it’s the Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) program that is there to help. Our Child Welfare Foundation (CWF) grants are important to help with the betterment of all our children. The Legacy Scholarship ensures that the children of our fallen servicemembers will be able to get a college education. Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW) is there to assist our wounded warriors with the non-essential items not provided for by the DOD or the transition units.
Our Member Training and Development Committee is working hard to provide training for commanders and adjutants, NMI and NECmen. When these become available online, take advantage of them. With so many conventions and conferences not happening, these will be the best way to prepare all the new leaders we will be needing one year from now.
Keep sharing your “Snapshots of Service”. Your snapshots give us all examples of how we too can press on and serve our veterans, Sons and communities.
Keep “Making a Difference"; with your help and God’s, I am certain we will all get through this together.
“Serving Those Who Served ... Full Steam Ahead”
- Sons