May 13, 2021

Membership survey helps guide Hollywood's Squadron 43

By The American Legion
Membership survey helps guide Hollywood’s Squadron 43
The Squadron 43 Luau was becoming an annual summer event before the pandemic

SAL Squadron 43 uses a survey to gauge members’ interests and skills.

The leadership of Sons of The American Legion Squadron 43 in California wanted to find a way to engage their members in a more meaningful way.

“A survey was an efficient way to better understand their interests and skill sets,” said John Di Rienzo, the squadron’s first vice commander. “Moreover, we were able to utilize the survey tool offered through our Constant Contact account, which made it easy to execute.”

Di Rienzo said the survey questions are aimed at gathering details the squadron can use to gauge members’ interest in leadership roles, event concepts, and preferred social media platforms.

“Much of what we have learned is practical information including which squadron leadership roles they are interested in pursuing and what sort of activities they would like to see the squadron plan,” he said, adding that the survey helped the squadron find its assistant adjutant, Stephen Rinka, and finance officer, Jon Tierney.

Some of the questions on the survey include:

·       Do you have skills or experience that you would like to contribute to the squadron?

·       Which squadron activities are you most interested in?

·       What is your preferred social media platform?

·       What can we do to improve your membership experience?

The survey also includes a write-in option which allows members to offer their services in everything from photography to nonprofit board operations, Di Rienzo said.

Di Rienzo noted that the survey is useful for both new and existing members, as people’s interests and availability can change over time.

“Understanding what a member, new or existing, is hoping to gain from their membership experience is what it’s all about,” he said. “… Asking members about their interests and skills is a simple way to facilitate engagement and plan activities. It lets your members feel heard and helps you find future leaders.”

  • Sons