The 100 Miles for Hope campaign is a way that we can give back, improve our well-being, and drive resources to help veterans and military families.
Dear Sons of The American Legion,
The third annual 100 Miles for Hope campaign is underway, and I hope you’re registered. If not, sign up at Emblem Sales today. The campaign is an excellent way to improve your own fitness and wellbeing while also honoring our fathers and grandfathers.
This is an important way to actively participate in supporting our veterans and military families.
Remember why you joined the SAL: to show your support and appreciation for your father’s service, and/or your grandfather’s service. The proceeds of the 100 Miles for Hope campaign go to The American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF). Those funds in turn provide training, education and resources to support 3,000 accredited American Legion service officers, and provide aid to military families with minor children at home who are facing financial struggles through no fault of their own.
By helping raise donations for V&CF through the 100 Miles for Hope campaign, we can help ensure that veterans like our fathers, our grandfathers and their comrades receive the benefits they earned for serving our country.
For more information, please go to Legion.org/100Miles.
There is no limit to the amount of good we can do.
We are the Sons of The American Legion.
God bless our veterans.
God bless our military in harm’s way.
And God bless the United States of America.
P.S. Congratulations to the 39 detachments that reached the 80 percent membership goal by the March 9 deadline. The 90 percent deadline is April 13; eight detachments had already reached that mark by March 17. Kudos! With spring (and nicer weather) here, let’s get out there and invite members back to the post and get them involved.
Michael Fox
SAL National Commander
“Leadership through action, not through position”
- Sons