May 18, 2022

On Memorial Day — and every day — let's honor our veterans

By SAL National Commander Michael Fox
On Memorial Day — and every day — let’s honor our veterans
On Memorial Day — and every day — let’s honor our veterans

Share your squadron’s or detachment’s events on Legiontown.

We are coming up on an important day. On Memorial Day, we pause to pay our respects to those who gave their lives to ensure our freedom.

It’s been my honor as National Commander to pay my respects across the nation through my service project, Flying Flags for Heroes. I want to thank those of you who have joined me and encourage you to continue to participate in placing flags on our veterans’ graves. While Memorial Day is rightly set aside to remember those who paid the ultimate price for our nation, we should continue to honor our veterans every day.

The American Legion’s Media & Communications Division has produced a speech you can use for your Memorial Day event. And I encourage you to share what you’re doing for Memorial Day, so that we can highlight the SAL activities happening across the nation on this important day. You can share stories and photos at


100 percent membership

Congratulations to the 16 Detachments who reached the 100 percent membership goal on May 11. Kudos to Delaware, D.C., Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico, North Dakota, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin for hitting goal!

As of the May 11 target date, the SAL as a whole was at 95.84% of our total membership goal of 356,725 members. We’re so close; let’s keep up the drive to boost our membership so we can further support our veterans and communities!


There is no limit to the amount of good we can do.

We are the Sons of The American Legion.


God bless our veterans.

God bless our military in harm’s way.

And God bless the United States of America.


Michael Fox

SAL National Commander

“Leadership through action, not through position”

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