May 01, 2022

SAL NEC passes 4 resolutions at Spring Meeting

By Andy Proffet
SAL NEC passes 4 resolutions at Spring Meeting
Leading candidate for SAL National Commander Chris Carlton speaks to the SAL NEC at the Spring Meeting on May 1, 2022, in Indianapolis. Photo by Andy Proffet

Resolutions impacting Squadron Data Reports, National Management Institute among those approved.

The National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Sons of The American Legion approved four resolutions on May 1 at the Spring Meeting at Indianapolis’ Sheraton City Centre Hotel.

Those resolutions are:

● Resolution 3, in which the SAL’s Member Training and Development Committee will develop a training class to replace the National Management Institute. “After 25 years, NMI is a great program,” said committee chairman Michael Monserud. “We are looking to change the training. I’m not doing away with it, I’m just enhancing it a little bit. The goal is to start a class to mirror the Legion’s training programs. … It’s going to look like Legion College, but it’s going to be ours and ours alone.”

● Resolution 6, recommending the support of perpetuating the Flying Flags for Heroes program as an official SAL Americanism program, with the goal “to help inspire true patriotism within our communities and help promote national pride in our country, its ensign, its military, and veterans throughout the entire Legion Family.”

● Resolution 7, to add an inactive category to the Squadron Data Reports (SDR) roster. “Everybody wants to see online renewals,” said Membership Committee Chairman Thom Skelley. “The directive to us was, until as a program nationally, we hit 90 percent of all SDRs turned in, (online renewals) are not going to happen.” Skelley noted it’s easier to revitalize squadrons with no members than it is to recreate squadrons after their charters have been revoked. This resolution would add a category for inactive squadrons so that those numbers don’t count against the SDR data.

● Resolution 9, donating $5,000 from the 2022 Child Welfare Foundation budget line to The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation.

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