SAL National Commander Christopher Carlton reflects on his leadership year.
Greetings, Sons of The American Legion,
In just a few weeks, we’ll be in Charlotte, N.C., for the 51st National Convention of the Sons of The American Legion.
It will be a bittersweet weekend for me. We’ll celebrate an outstanding year of achievements, in membership renewal and growth as well as our ever vigilant support of our veterans and their families through our charitable contributions and the vital Be The One program.
That’s the sweet part.
But the convention will also mark the end of my year as your National Commander. It has been my honor to serve you in that role.
I want to take a moment of personal privilege to thank you all for your support and hospitality as I’ve traveled across the nation — and even to Europe — to represent and serve the Sons of The American Legion. I’ve been impressed to see the “boots on the ground” efforts of our squadrons and detachments across our country.
Travel has not always been easy, and it’s been difficult to be away from home so much. But when I look back on my year as your National Commander, I won’t remember the challenges. I’ll reflect fondly on all the good I have seen.
My heartfelt thanks and best wishes to all of you. My utmost support to our next National Commander.
Thank you. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.
Be the One!
With passion and purpose.
SAL National Commander Christopher Carlton
- Sons