While the SAL has surpassed the 80% membership goal for the year, there’s still room to grow.
Greetings, Sons of The American Legion,
We all know how vital our membership numbers are. The more voices we have in the Sons of The American Legion, the greater we are as one voice supporting our veterans and communities with full-throated enthusiasm.
I’m proud to congratulate you on surpassing our 80% membership target goal. As of March 17, the SAL is now at 326,330 members. That’s 88.73% of our membership goal for the year. We had fifty detachments that met this target goal, and four detachments are already above 100%.
I appreciate the hard work you all have done to help us get to this point. But let’s not ease up now. I encourage you to reach out to former SAL members and invite them back into the fold. Please get out into your communities and find potential SAL members who may not be aware of all that we do.
We are on track but let’s make sure we not only make, but surpass, our 100% membership goal.
I encourage you to support The American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation (VCF). VCF is not only my project this year, but it is such an important part of supporting our veterans and their families.
Donations to VCF help provide food and shelter to children of veterans and servicemembers facing unexpected hardships. It also helps fund training and accreditation for American Legion service officers, who fill a vital role in assisting veterans and their families apply for disability benefits, survivor assistance, GI Bill opportunities and more.
Contributions are tax-deductible and can be made safely online at Legion.org/VCF.
Be the One!
With passion and purpose.
SAL National Commander Christopher Carlton
- Sons