SAL National Commander Navarrete reflects on Veterans Day.
Hello, American Legion Family.
While we support and honor our veterans every day, there’s something special about the holidays we set aside to recognize those who have fought to ensure our freedom.
It was my honor to represent the Sons of The American Legion and the Legion Family during the wreath-laying ceremonies on Veterans Day at Arlington National Cemetery, alongside American Legion Auxiliary National President Trish Ward and American Legion National Vice Commander Gary Leach.
Walking among the rows of white headstones at Arlington, and standing before the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, are always moments that move me to reflect on the sacrifices so many have made to keep us the land of the free and the home of the brave.
As always, thank you to all our veterans for their service.
I also want to thank the entire Legion Family on behalf of those impacted by hurricanes and other natural disasters over the last few months. These have been challenging times for us all, but it has been heartening to see Legionnaires, Sons and Auxiliary members nationwide taking time out of their lives and money from their pockets to support those who have lost their homes due to storm damage.
I’ll be visiting Florida later this month and will see some of this damage firsthand. But I know I’ll also see the Legion Family continuing to lift each other up.
I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that you can continue to support those impacted recently, and help The American Legion be prepared for future natural disasters, by donating to the National Emergency Fund (NEF). Go to Legion.org for more information.
Keep up the good work.
“Todo es posible con Dios y Familia”
Everything is possible with God and family
Joseph Navarreté
SAL National Commander
- Sons